It gets to time when you feel right

         And sometimes you just feel high

It gets to times when you think you might

            But then times get hard

                          And you ask yourself if you’re right.

It get to times when you want to live life

      And then you feel strange…

             Like transition…

                       Like transcending…

           Like a trance…

You feel everything…


Then you’re confused

     For you’re asking what?

Then you’re curious

   About what this other place is?

           About who made it?

                 Who stay in it?

                        Who goes there?

                                  And what they do there?

Life becomes strange

      And everyday

           This feeling comes anew

In different forms

      And shape

But passing one message…



From one world

              To another.

At times like this

           I look up

To him that knows best…

               To creator of me

                          And the rest.

At that moment i realize…

      That being far

                From him and his word

   Makes you feel the transition.

Being far from him

       Gives you the creeps.

But then,

   It takes a child

       To know the absence of a father…

For being close

      Brings you to a beautiful now…

And forever more.


About maithought

I'm a young human who believes strongly in karma and knows that there is greatness in every human, and also that the world has so much to be seen and heard so always expect more from life than from human. Not to say too much, you'll know me if you read more of me... cheers!
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