
They think they know it all
But what they know
They don’t understand…
Do you understand?
Well, you think so.

Because you’ve seen white
Black becomes nothing you can imagine
Because you’ve seen wealth
Silver spoon bred
You believe all is nice and rosy
Even when you don’t even understand the words ‘nice’ and ‘rosy’.
What do you understand?

How can you say something is black
When you’ve never seen white?
How can you not know day
And you want to understand night?
How can you never fail
And you claim to understand success?
You see?
What do know
That makes you understand?

For you to be good
You have to understand being bad
For you to know day
You have to understand the mystery behind night
For you to understand black
You need to know the purity of white
And for you to understand white
You need to know the darkness of black

Understanding takes wisdom
It comes in different perspectives
All depends on the angle you see it.
But then…
You have to understand
That it is negative
Doesn’t mean it lacks positivity.
You’ve never seen failure
Yet you claim to be successful.
How do you enjoy success
When you’ve not gotten a taste of failure?

Don’t get spiritual!
For there is positivity in failure.
You don’t understand?
You just don’t understand everything
‘Cos you don’t know everything.
So here I am
Asking again…
What do you understand?


About maithought

I'm a young human who believes strongly in karma and knows that there is greatness in every human, and also that the world has so much to be seen and heard so always expect more from life than from human. Not to say too much, you'll know me if you read more of me... cheers!
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