we;c  moodsw

Welcome once again to maithought. It’s been months now since I shared my thought with my patient listeners, and I am truly sorry about that. A lot of things have been going on lately. The city of Mind has been buzzing with new thoughts, ideas, information, experience and event. Trust me I always want to share, but one way or the other, the distractions of the day just sets in, taking off this track and it can be so frustrating when all you can do is share your thought with just you! But today, I couldn’t help but be a witness to what I never liked, and still doesn’t. So here I am today, taking us on another journey into the city of Mind. Hope you’ll enjoy the trip and remember, there’s always something to learn from this buzzing city of Mind… 🙂


It is now the nature of humans to give reasons for every responsible and irresponsible thing they do. They try to justify all their actions with logical English words that doesn’t sound sensible, yet they look for reasons for them. These things are actually annoying and if over thought about, depressing. We’ve come to justify things such as mood swing, infidelity, corruption, and some unjustifiable things of the earth.

It is natural and humane for humans to want to be alone and hear themselves think sometimes. I do it. Sometimes I just want to be alone to hear myself think. To listen clearly to the words in the midst of the chirping of the birds, but that doesn’t mean that I would spill it harshly over others. It is natural to want to be alone but that doesn’t mean that we should start acting like we’re “untalkable” and act irritated at other people’s attitude, and when you’re corrected, you’ll give the stupid excuse of “mood swing”. It is no “mood swing”, it is who you are. And the attitude, which happens to stink so bad, is only coming out. You can either accept the responsibility for your bad habit, and try to change it, or don’t even give the “mood swing” excuse.


This attitude is just so bad that people have come to see it as something normal, they’ve come to believe that they can act in whichever way they want to and blame it on “mood swing”. The truth is, if there is a creature with such a name, the creature would have cursed all that uses it as an excuse to display their irresponsibility. If you want to be alone, fine! But making being alone feel like a punishment to you? Nobody ask you to want to be alone. Nobody gave you so many things to think about, so stop pouring the emotional baggage on them… FYI, They have theirs, they’ve just decided to handle theirs more matured than you.

I know reading this might make you wonder the kind of person i am, but it’s just a thought that I know will benefit all. The excuse of “mood swing” has broken not just friendship, but also marriages.


I have a friend who act that way. One minute she’s happy, another minute she treats you like an enemy, acting all quiet and talking to a selected few. Trust me, this attitude can be annoying, just as it can get irritating most times. You can’t be feeling bad and expect people to feel that way, or be expect people to always be happy when you’re happy. Sorry yo burst your bubbles, but people cannot always  be adopting your mood. This same attitude is also displayed in the marriage environment, expecting your spouse’s happiness to be dependent on yours… So sorry sister! The saying of ‘when one door closes, another will opens’ applies in this case. If you;re thinking your joke is the funniest, so he has to wait for your mood to reverse so he can hear you tell tell another joke, I’m happy to announce to you that there’s a single sister somewhere who’s ready to tell him the best joke of his life.

This is not to say that I don’t get to that point in my life when I feel like being alone… Of course I do! But what I’m saying is that this mood shouldn’t be an excuse to be rude to others. When I get to that point where mood swing wants to be an excuse in my day’s activity, I acknowledge it quickly and I talk to it. I make sure not to be a slave to my mood, and I believe that can be achieved by all.


How do you feel when someone acts terribly towards you, and later come around to tell you that it was “mood swing”? Sometimes some of these actions done during ‘mood swing’ cannot be reversed, and sometimes it might be too hard to forgive.


In as much as we might want to be humanly selfish, let’s try to consider the emotions of others in our quest to achieve “mood swing”. Let’s try to know how our attitude affect them, and how our words, during this period, can be really harsh and uncalled for. Our character, it is believed, is really out when we’re not prepared for it to spill. In times when we’re pressured and emotions are flying; these times, extra care is needed. But it is ironical that it is in times like this that we care not about what we say. We are all guilty of this attitude, but today, I’m speaking on behalf of “Mood Swing”, telling us all to stop using it as our excuse.

When it dawns on everyone of us that we have to take responsibility for all the things done in our aim for seclusion and serenity, then we will mind our words, actions, attitudes, and our thought when they’re within our control, for sometimes our thought sends a vibe that we have no intention of sending. It won’t be nice if in our quest of wanting to be alone, we end up hurting others. When we want to act sometimes, it is vital to do some previous checks down the line of history. Even the scripture talks about a time where Christ had to seek privacy to talk to God, but the same scripture never said anything about it being a “Mood Swing”. The question I’m going to leave in all of our heart today is… “Why is mood swing never thrown in a positive direction?” Guess that;s what you have to tell yourself when your moods are thinking of swinging, but until we meet again…


About maithought

I'm a young human who believes strongly in karma and knows that there is greatness in every human, and also that the world has so much to be seen and heard so always expect more from life than from human. Not to say too much, you'll know me if you read more of me... cheers!
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