melvin   bba

Who says there’s nothing like a good name? Well I think that person has really been proven wrong with Big Brother Africa that just recently ended. I can hear the person’s voice saying… “So? Since he’s so good how come he didn’t win the grand prize?” Guess that question is what everybody is indirectly asking through complains, but the truth is, this Melvin guy is actually not talking about it as much as his recently gained fan, though not so recent, ‘coz he has featured in different reality T.V competition, but Even those who aren’t his fans are actually complaining on his behalf.


I learnt somethings from this show that I’d like to share with us. Though I’ve not been following the show, but for almost one week I’ve heard the name “Melvin” more than 365 times, and all I could ask is; why is it like that? Well listen, this guy, unlike so many others, went there with the intention of having fun and making friends without having any fling or affair. He acted as a leader to his roommate and a friend to them. He was loved by all, not via pretense but genuinely, especially for his uniquely being who he is. The first lesson I learnt there is that though he didn’t win the grand prize, his good name gave him more popularity than the grand prize winner, DilIsh.

mel and dilmd

Another lesson is that when you’re good, genuinely good, you won’t fight your battle, people will fight it for you. Fans & different celebrities are coming out to say that Melvin should’ve been thew winner of Big Brother Africa 2013. Even Susan peters came up to talk about it. That at least speaks a lot, and I think even the housemates felt it too. When you’re so good that your competitors believe more in you than themselves, then that good name has so much worth than the grand cash prize they’ll be spent in little or no time.


Another lesson in this show is that; Melvin might not have won, but he did gain a level of fame that was never there in Gulder Ultimate Search and Mr.Nigeria contest that he did participate in but never won. So what I believe Nigerians should do in the midst of their complain is to relax and think about what Big Brothers is all about? What is the show all about? Is it a portrayal of character or what? When the purpose of a show is not known, abuse is inevitable, but in this case, nothing can stand ground. Nobody can really know for a fact if it was indeed an unfair judgement for Melvin. Who knows what the Big Brother’s winner is suppose to be or act like? Is he/she suppose to be dumb, Squeaky clean, bratty or what? There have to be something to hold on to. Maybe Melvin is good, but was just too good for big brothers. Maybe they needed someone like Dilish. The ‘maybe’ can go on forever without us getting a concrete reason on why such a decision was made by the ever watchful eyes of the Big Brother, so MAYBE Big Brothers should come up an tell the world what the show is all about.

Who is eligible for the show and WHAT they’re expected to do on the show… That way we can safely say or know if Melvin has indeed been cheated off the grand prize of Big Brothers or some Igbo juju would not just let him come out winner in all the reality TV competitions he has actively participated in.

About maithought

I'm a young human who believes strongly in karma and knows that there is greatness in every human, and also that the world has so much to be seen and heard so always expect more from life than from human. Not to say too much, you'll know me if you read more of me... cheers!
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