Let’s Countdown To A New Page!



Hurray!!! it’s

22014.jpg by the corner!

It’s remaining just hours before our calender will start from the beginning again, though this time the figure of the year will change. I know We have somethings that we’re doing that we want to stop doing, and somethings that we’ve really wanted and believe we can start doing this year… well, it’s not too late, these things can still be achieved. Don’t be crestfallen, or think… “the year is already over”, so much can change in one minute… Abi na lie?

Well what are you waiting for?


Get hold of your book and pen this minute; start thinking of the plenty things and start writing, because the faintest ink lasts better than the sharpest memory. After writing, remember you have to meditate and pray over them, for it is never by our power, rather it’s been and will always be by the help of our God.


And lest i forget, there are so many people to be grateful to for so much. Bring out your Gratitude Journal… Start thinking and thanking…. We all need to be appreciated at this beautiful season…


So what think you? It’s better late than never!



About maithought

I'm a young human who believes strongly in karma and knows that there is greatness in every human, and also that the world has so much to be seen and heard so always expect more from life than from human. Not to say too much, you'll know me if you read more of me... cheers!
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