
Hello my palz, I’m so sorry for going off and on like Nigeria’s electricity, i really am sorry. But things are looking brighter now and i am coming back! Yippee! Okay, so since i’m dedicating this blog fully to MY THOUGHTS, i will be starting with men and their ties to their mother… Hmmm!


Isn’t it surprising that some men still act like boys when their mates are already being called grandpas? Isn’t it amazing to know that some men find the apron string of their mother to be the best comfort zone for them, so they don’t ever want to leave this string? I wonder how it all started… okay let’s see… from birth, they’ve always clung to their mother, well she is the mother. They cling to her wherever she’s going to, and sometimes I ask myself, don’t these guys have friends? Of course they do, but their mother is their number one friend.

What I’m trying to point out here is the excessive closeness between mother and son that might end up badly for both of them. Nobody is saying you shouldn’t be close to your mother, of course not. What I’m saying is; limit the conversation if it is too personal, especially when it’s personal and have to do with your relationship with ladies.
I have this guy in school, who, mere looking at his behavior, you’ll know he’s a momma’s boy. He tells his mother practically everything, and when I say everything, I mean everything! From lecture to the last person he talked to for the day. He gives his mother all the nitigrities of how his day went, and this gets me riled up sometimes because I’m thinking… this is an undergraduate for God sake! It got to a stage when his mother started telling him to be careful of women because they’re evil, and to say she always wants to know who his friends are or if he has any female friends. I might want to call her a concerned mother, but hello?! That is taking concern too far. She doesn’t even want him with female friends because according to him, the moment he was granted admission into the university, she made it a duty to drill it into his head ‘the danger of women 101’, and how women will end up killing his dreams. So whenever he doesn’t get his assignment done, she concludes it to be the fault of an anonymous woman, so the question I’ve always want to ask him is “is your mother a man? Even though I know it might sound stupid.
Let’s Imagine the way this young man is going with his mother, and tell me if he’ll ever manage his marital affairs alone! That’s when the mother would know the kind of woman he should marry. The kind of wedding he should have. The kind of wedding gown the wife should wear, and even the kind of children they should give birth to! Puhleeze, spare me those kind of men.
Women can go extra mile for their sons, and there is no limitation to their interference, but the truth is, it all depends on the string handed to the mother by the son. If at the age of twenty a guy cannot make a decision for himself, then he should go meet his father if he has one, or look for a man that will really mentor him. This is not to say that you mother has no say in your life, it only means that you decide as a man, and face the consequences of your decisions however severe. Your mother will only think like a mother, and so far women and son relationship is concerned, they have more tendency to be more sentimental than logical. So if you’re claiming to be a man, then learn to think like one! That’s why we have so many ‘woman wrapper’, which can sometimes be equivalent to being gay. As a man, if you give your mother the chance, she’ll leave her husband and cleave to her son, which is supposed to be the other way round, where the man has to leave his parent, and cleave to his family (wife). And if this mother is intimidating, she comes to your matrimonial home and frustrates almost everyone, starting from the wife, whom she’ll soon start seeing as a competitor; that is if she hasn’t been seeing you that way before. But then again, it all boils down to the son and his level of making decisions.

If you know you’re a momma’s boy and you’re not yet married, there’s still time for you to flee from that apron string you’ve tied yourself to. No woman likes a momma’s boy, they’re not jealous of your mother, but then if you love your mother and always seek her counsel in all you do, even when it has to do with your wife, any wife would wish you had gotten married to the mother and not her. So my guy, start preparing to loosen that knot till you break free from her. It doesn’t mean you don’t love her anymore, and trust me; it will hurt her when you decide to flee from her clutches, but deep down, she’ll be pleased, especially if she truly loves you, and not obsessed with you.

So please, the earlier the better for you, because at the end of the day, when her decisions brings you to your downfall, the words you hear from her will be “I only did what I believe was the best thing for you”.

About maithought

I'm a young human who believes strongly in karma and knows that there is greatness in every human, and also that the world has so much to be seen and heard so always expect more from life than from human. Not to say too much, you'll know me if you read more of me... cheers!
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