My Father’s Love Is Immeasurable…


When I was growing up I said I wanted to marry a man like my dad, you wanna know why? Well he was unlike every other father I know. He was loving and always there. I remember him always bathing me at night and starting scrubbing from my leg, for reasons that are best know to him. I remember him making sure i eat before going to bed and if he comes back late, he’ll ask if you’ve eaten and if no, he’ll wake you up to eat from his, no matter the portion of his food, and you’ll always get to eat better meat than you would’ve had. I remember when how I’ll get back late from school and rather than scold me on why I’m late, he greets me welcome and ask me to go eat something before I start any house chore, and yes he greets me first by saying “Nno” in Igbo language. The day I came back from school and I greeted him “Nno” he corrected me by saying he’s meant to greet me since I was just coming back from somewhere.
My father loves education and his greatest joy is yo see that his children are educated, because according to him, that’s his investment… Yea, he’s an Igbo man to the bones.
I grew up as my father being my doctor because he just happens to know the appropriate drugs for whatever is wrong with you. He taught us to always be with essential drugs while traveling and if common sense doesn’t tell you to buy it, he buys it for you. With my father I feel trusted because when I look back in time, I realize he didn’t put a stop to whatever I want to do, actually he’ll just pray that you succeed in it. Let’s not forget how sensitive and humorous he can be. He always notice how I feel and whenever I’m usually quiet, he’ll definitely ask me what is wrong, if I’m okay. When my elder brother beat me for not sleeping in the afternoon, my father will tell him that I should play like the child I was… That use to really piss him off! :). Whenever my sisters or brothers make me angry, he always has the right word to justify things and make me feel like there’s no reason to be angry after all. He always has the right words, and before you ask, Yes he’s a wise talker, and I learnt it from him.
I love when me calls me “Mama Lindo”, it always makes me feel like the child the society has asked me to stop being. Truth is, being around him always makes me feel like a child, even when he’s relating to me like an adult. And lastly, my father is so humble he takes correction from his children. A lot of people say African parents don’t apologize to their young ones, but my father apologizes especially when he realize his mistake. Some say African parents don’t tell their children I love you, but I say what happens to ” Action speaks louder than words”, because the truth is, my father love everyone one of his children more than anything in this world, and though he’s not perfect, but he’s my father and he’s perfect for me, and I love him “plentifully” much.

With him I feel like God blessed me with two mothers and with my mother I got two fathers, but its Father’s day so I don’t want to start talking about my awesome mother. And using this platform, I want to say a hefty happy Father’s day to Mr. Greggory Orajekwe, a.k.a G.T.S. I love you scatter!!!

About maithought

I'm a young human who believes strongly in karma and knows that there is greatness in every human, and also that the world has so much to be seen and heard so always expect more from life than from human. Not to say too much, you'll know me if you read more of me... cheers!
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